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TRANSPARENT REAL ESTATE: Category Archive for New Business Models

Automating Mobile Services for Real Estate

Ten Real Estate Predictions for 2010

Special Offer - Inman Connect NYC + One Year Social Media Education

Too busy for social media marketing?

Introducing the Social Media Marketing Curriculum for Brokerages

Using Twitter for Data Feed Broadcasting - how to make it work

Lead Broadcaster - a practical use for real estate social media

The Theme of the First Week in August in San Francisco - the Business Model prevails

Social Media becomes Practical

How a Real Estate Brokerage can connect with their community through Breaking News

Marketing is Content - a Case Study at NCI

Ten Steps to Create an Enthusiastic Community Network around You

Feed-based Breaking News for Florida Real Estate

Building a Hyperlocal Community using Twitter

Breaking REO News

The Newspaper's Future Community Reporter is You!

The Future of Real Estate Blogging Platforms

Active Rain and Pay-to-Play - the Larger Context

Web 2.5 Real Estate Marketing - Build your own Media Property

10 Leading Trends for Real Estate in 2009

Homescopes - Providing Breaking Housing Market News for the SF Bay Area

How to be a Successful Mortgage Broker in a Difficult Economy

Slideshow - The New Broadcasting Real Estate Brokerage Website

The New "Broadcasting" Brokerage Website

Slideshow - Website 2.0 - Creating the Conversational Web

Why Enterprises Can't Embrace 2.0

Real Estate as Laboratory for Social Media

Stratification of the Social Media

LinkedIn + NYT = Social Media + Mass Media

Real Estate Coaching 2.0

Real Estate 2.0 Companies' Trend to Package Web 2.0 Services for their Clients

Moving Towards Social Network CRM Systems - Part 3

Celebritization of Foreclosure Relief

How the Mass Media is Embracing Social Media

Guest posts - Real Estate 2.0 Vendors and Changing the Rules of Mass Media

Why Twitter is Potentially a Mainstream Media Killer App

Why mainstream media should be developing online real estate magazines

ChaseNation, a social network built on Ning

Marketing message for buyer's agents

Strategic planning for real estate startups

Blog as Community Newspaper (literally)

Zillow Mortgages is essentially a free open marketplace

RETechSouth - Conference 2.0

Changing the Real Estate Industry's Hard Sell Ethos

Orange County sets trends for suburban living

Blog as door opener

Commercial social networks

The new Investment Banking paradigm

Peer-to-Peer Lending - Credit crunch meets social networking

The Emerging World of Free

Social networking to sell a car or a house

See any new theatrical release online free!

Real estate coaching 2.0

Old media, meet Zillow!

Hail Curbed - the national real estate media network

Homescopes and the new local Blog Networks

Cyberhomes - data merchant

What Active Rain should do now

Web 2.0 Ahead of the Curve

Explaining Web 2.0

Second Space - an Internet Strategy

An Ingenious Video Contest

Massively Hyperlocal Ad Network

Google Maps + Reviews = Killer

Future of Bricks and Mortar

Evolution of Lead Generation Websites

Real Estate Q&A; Evolves

Two new breathtaking Google Map products

Memorial Day links

Second Mover Advantage exists in Real Estate 2.0

Very cool free Mobile Services

Redfin meets TV Watching America

Classifieds + Community = Sellsius

Google opens up Online Radio Ads to the Masses

Mashup + Social Media = Zillow

Mass vs. Micro-Marketing

How to Compete within an Oligopoly



Redfin Validates its Negotiation Capabilities with MLS Statistics

Academic Transparency - a Big Opportunity

Fidelity Title Acquires a Lead Generation Company

MyCurrency - a social network home valuation site

How the Media Industry miscalculated the Internet

Cyberhomes and its future

Cyberhomes learns from Real Estate 2.0 Pioneers

Elvis = Zillow

Placeblogger - local blog aggregation is an opportunity for Real Estate Blogs

Transparent 2007

Radical Transparency - part 2

Transparent Wiki-integrated Search Engine

Zillow view from Wall Street - Beautiful Global Real Estate Listings

Everything you need to know about the new Zillow in 15 minutes!

Blogging? You'll Benefit from the New New Media

Real Estate Technology Ingenues

Followup - Real Estate Auction becomes front page news

Introducing Quantcast and its mystifying demographic data source

Kudos to Zillow being named to AdAge's "Marketing 50"