Kudos to Zillow being named to AdAge's "Marketing 50"
In my post Monday about the dubious first mover advantage of Real Estate Web 2.0 properties, I admitted in the comments that I overlooked a big exception - the "wow" factor, the originality and the publicity of a first mover definitely contributes to its defensibility against later copycats. Zillow is a great example of this and I hope they can leverage their early fame into a practical, beneficial business model (and who knows, ads may do it... particularly if they can diversify off their one trick valuation pony into a Yahoo-like menu of services)
Technorati tags zillow marketing 50 AdAge
It is a great award. IMO, the marketing success is due in large part to the founders' Expedia cachet? Past internet success breeds mass media attention for future projects. If Bill Gates gets a speeding ticket you can read it on the front page of USA today & watch it on Entertainment Tongight & the Nightly News.
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