Finding all the Real Estate Twitterers

A while back, I produced a list of Twitterers in Real Estate. I noticed other Real Estate Twitterer lists being produced, but realized the cataloguing of Twitter URLs was too time consuming, and for readers too tedious to click on each link.

So just to make cataloguing of all Twitterers in Real Estate easy, I offer up @The RE List comprised right now of all the Real Estate Twitterers from my @pkitano account that I can identify. If you're a Twitter newbie, it will be easy to create a real estate network by clicking the "follow" button.

If you're on the RE List, you don't even need to follow back. If you're not on this RE List, follow it (updates are protected), and I'll follow back and this will add you to the list.  Stumbleupon  Technorati  Digg 


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