When you are looking to refinance your current mortgage, keep in mind their is a no closing cost option. Lenders that offer a no cost refinance option can truly give you a no cost refinance on your mortgage. Keep in mind that the lender has to do something in order to charge absolutely no costs.
How A No Cost Mortgage Refinance Is Possible
A lender doesn’t just decide that your mortgage can have absolutely no costs, because there are costs that are involved in a mortgage refinance. The appraisal, title search, credit report, etc. are just some of the typical costs. In order for the lender to give you a no cost option, they have to give you a lender credit to cover all the costs. Typically, the lender credit comes with a slightly higher interest rate.
An example of a no closing cost option:
Option 1: An interest rate of 3.5% and total closing costs of $2000.
Option 2: An interest rate of 3.875% and no closing costs.
The higher interest rate allows the lender to give you a lender credit large enough to cover all of your refinance costs.
We see many homeowners looking to refinance take the no closing cost option, since many have refinanced their mortgage 2 or 3 times in the last 3 years and they don’t want to pay for costs again. Also, the no closing cost option doesn’t require a break even point, because if you are not paying any costs to refinance, the savings of the refinance start immediately.
November 5, 2012