REBarCamps vs. 140 Twitter Conference

After attending numerous REBarCamps (REBarCamp Philly starts tomorrow) and now a part of the new 140 Twitter conference, I can make these observations:

  REBarCamps140 Twitter
 Business practical
Developer and marketing focus roughly equal
 Weakness Wide variation of social media expertise from newbies to leading-edgers
 All things Twitter is a narrow topic. Already knew of most interesting applications
 Sociability Everybody knows each other, one big family
Social media more fragmented into cliques
 Networking Easy because everybody knows each other
 Easy because Twitter introductions are welcome
 Utility Everybody on same wavelength - common business interests facilitate opportunities
 Twitter and conference participant "tags" make it easy to find people with common business interests
 Average age
 50 30
 No Twitter developers at REBarCamps and no real estate agents at 140 Twitter

What is surprising is how well attended and vibrant REBarCamps are, and how the level of social media savvy of many real estate agents exceeds the social media experts who haven't applied theory to practice.
I know many real estate social media folks get pretty bored at traditional Web 2.0 conferences.


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