Can't Hide if You Have a Facebook Account

Australian Couple Served with Legal Documents via Facebook. Social media meets legal.

The world is turning anti-Orwellian; Big Brother doesn't force anybody into an online regimen, they all opt-in voluntarily. Even shady people need an online presence...

From the just released 2008 Pew Internet Survey (always a must read), Section 4 on Personal Transparency:

Prediction: Transparency heightens individual integrity and forgiveness. In 2020, people are even more open to sharing personal information, opinions, and emotions than they are now. The public’s notion of privacy has changed. People are generally comfortable exchanging the benefits of anonymity for the benefits they perceive in the data being shared by other people and organizations. As people’s lives have become more transparent, they have become more responsible for their own actions and more forgiving of the sometimes-unethical pasts of others. Being “outed” for some past indiscretion in a YouTube video or other pervasive-media form no longer does as much damage as it did back in the first decade of the 21st Century. Carefully investigated reputation corrections and clarifications are a popular daily feature of major media outlets’ online sites .


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