The Shock of the New Societal Transparency - Slideshow

Today at Media Transparent, I've uploaded a new slideshow explaining how sudden the societal shift to openness and transparency has been. Recall that after September 11, 2001, nobody was interested in displaying their lives and personal data on the Internet. This trend has implications for the real estate community because consumers are using the social media to network themselves for doing business, including buying and selling real estate.


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  • 8/22/2008 3:58 AM Anonymous wrote:
    It must be nice to live in a fanatasy world where we think technology is the key to it all. If you were at Inman Connect you may missed the section on the Mellinium generation and a lot of others who just get the overview of what is going on but really don't know the details. It takes time to get the information from multipe sources (balanced sources) that allow you to make your own judgements about any topic. Finding people online that support your perspective is fine but do not think that just becuase a group on Facebook or Linkedin have the same agenda that it makes you the expert. Get out and talk to people. People with different views, looks and opinions. Not just text on a screen.
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