Watch Election 2008 Returns on Google Maps with Media Twitters
H/T to Screenwerk for pointing out an intriguing way to watch the SuperTuesday Election 2008 returns on Google Maps with Twitter feed comments from all over the country (and world) in real time...
See how Twitter is beginning to integrate itself into new media as a vox populi ticker tape?
See how Twitter is beginning to integrate itself into new media as a vox populi ticker tape?
I watched all nite, along with liberal use of twitter updates myself, and found the mashup quite interesting.
November will be even better.
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Twitter is cool, but any opinion as to whether or not it will evolve into something useful?
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I really dig your posts on maps. At VideoHomes we see maps being integrated with all sorts of things (many which you have noted in your posts). It seems no matter the subject, elections, blogs, videos, real estate, ect...most times there is always a geographic factor that goes right to the heart of "relevance". I wonder how cool it would to apply this concept to local election results on local maps. I would love to watch user submitted videos from Chicago precincts on As they say "Politics is all Local!"
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Twitter is awesome! Great site!
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Wow, that is very cool!! Google is simply the best.
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