Welcome to San Francisco

Inman Connect has officially launched and today, I got the chance to introduce my Sellsius brothers (fresh out of that blog camper!), Teresa Boardman and Todd Carpenter to the best Pho shop in San Francisco (a 5 star shop that is devalued by Yelp reviewers for its hole in the wall appearance). I was surprised to hear they never tried Vietnamese Pho (pronounced fuh), a noodle soup made with beef broth and various cuts of beef topped by fresh bean sprouts, basil and lime with a squirt of Sriracha hot pepper sauce, a full meal for $6-8. I speculate that Pho shops, already ubiquitous in the City and the Vietnam towns of SoCal, will become the next big ethnic fast food novelty spreading eastward to cities with significant Asian populations. I see them in Sacramento now...

Hello finally to all the familiar faces that came alive from those 75x75's at tonight's bar run. Here's a cool map mashup guide of chic things to do in San Francisco.


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  • 8/3/2007 2:38 AM Todd Carpenter wrote:


    Thanks again for the tour around town and lunch. The "Number 5" was fantastic. There's a hand full of Vietnamese establishments here in Denver, so will definitely have to try them out.

    As much as I enjoyed the food and sights, it was getting to know you and Teresa in person for the first time that meant the most.

    Great to meet you in person Pat.
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    1. 8/3/2007 4:27 PM Pat Kitano wrote:
      Todd, the real pleasure of touring around the home town with you and Teresa, Joe and Rudy was an early highpoint of Inman week... thanks for visiting!

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  • 8/4/2007 12:31 PM Joseph Ferrara.sellsius wrote:
    Thanks Pat for the wonderful city tour and the great Pho lunch. It was great to reconnect with Teresa, Todd and all the other bloggers who came to SF. A truly great city. We had a blast.
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  • 8/8/2007 10:45 AM Marlow Harris wrote:
    My 15-year-old wants to open a restaurant called Pho King. My husband and I prefer more down-home, traditional food items. Our restaurant will feature picnic food and will be called Frickin' Chicken.
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    1. 8/9/2007 5:20 AM Pat Kitano wrote:
      Pho King is a great name... pho is one of those Tampopo- style foods... there is always a really frickin great pho shop. I'll open up a Southern diner next door called DGC - damn good and cheap.

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